% Diverse Double-Compiling (DDC), represented using prover9 % by David A. Wheeler. % Usage: % prover9 -f repeats.in > repeats.out % Prover9 implements first-order logic, so the formal assumptions and goals % are written using very straightforward first-order logic. % See its documentation for more about its format. % Prover9's default naming conventions require hard-to-read names. We'll use % Prolog conventions instead (e.g., variables begin with an uppercase letter, % while constants begin with a lowercase letter): set(prolog_style_variables). % Attempt to find a simpler-to-understand proof, at the cost of needing to % work harder to find it: % set(restrict_denials). formulas(assumptions). %!exactly_correspond(Executable, Source, Lang, RunOn) --> bool. % True iff Executable exactly implements source code Source when % interpreted as language Lang when run on environment RunOn. exactly_correspond(cP, sP, lsP, eA) # label(cP_corresponds_to_sP). % Executable cP exactly corresponds to source sP. % It turns out that stage1 exactly corresponds to sP, but instead of % assuming that, we'll prove that claim using more specific (and more % easily believed) assumptions. They will eventually show that: % exactly_correspond(stage1, sP, lsP, e2). %! portable_and_deterministic(Source, Language, Input) -> bool. % True iff the given source, compiled by a compiler for Language, will % (1) always produce the same output given the same input Input % (it is deterministic), and % (2) this is true across all environments under consideration % (it is portable). % % A compiler might not be deterministic, e.g., when there's are optimization % alternatives, it could "flip a coin" by calling on a random number % generator in the environment, and produce different results each time. % It could depend on the memory locations used for memory allocation, % process time allocation to different threads, etc. However, % most compilers are deterministic, because it is much more difficult to test % non-deterministic compilers. % % Note that gcc's C++ compiler includes the ability to control the random % number seed used during a compilation, so the ability to enforce determinism % is not a pipe dream. ( portable_and_deterministic(Source, Language, Input) & exactly_correspond(Executable1, Source, Language, Environment1) & exactly_correspond(Executable2, Source, Language, Environment2)) -> ( converttext(run(Executable1, Input, EnvEffects1, Environment1), Environment1, Target) = converttext(run(Executable2, Input, EnvEffects2, Environment2), Environment2, Target)) # label(define_portable_and_deterministic). % If the source code uses only the portable and deterministic capabilities % of a language when it is compiled and run with input Input, % and two executables exactly correspond to that same source code % (they may execute on different environments), % then those executables - when given that same input - % will produce the same output (once text encoding is taken into account). % % So, two C compilers might be given: ... printf("%d\n", 2+2); ... % the outputs of those compilers is likely to be completely different, but % RUNNING them must produce the same result (4), once their text output % (if any) is converted into the same environmental format. % Obviously, this depends on them implementing the same language % (for the purposes of the given Source). % % More importantly, imagine two C correct compilers given this program % that reads in an integer, adds 1 to it, and prints the answer: % #include % main() { % int a; % scanf("%d", &a); % a++; % printf("%d\n", a); % } % Will they produce the same answer? % Clearly it will in some cases; if both executables are given "5" % as their input, both will produce "6" as their output. % % However, many language specifications do not enforce requirements % on all possible constructs and inputs, so portability depends not only % on the language and source, but it also depends on the input presented % to the executable. For example, the C language only guarantees % that "int"s be able to store a 32-bit twos-complement % signed integer; if the two executables are presented with % 2147483648 (2**31) as input, we CANNOT say that processing this value is % portable. That's because processing such input is not within the portable % range of the language. % % We could change to another language ("C + int must be 64 bits long"), % but in reality, many specifications have limits on what is portable % and what is not. As long as Input statys within those ranges, we are fine. %! converttext(Data, Environment1, Environment2) --> data. % The function converttext converts any text Data it receives, from % Environment1's standard text format to Environment2's standard text format. % If all of the world were Unix-based machines processing ASCII, this % wouldn't be needed. But unfortunately, many programs read/write text, % and there is some variation in how text is represented. In particular, % line-endings vary; some use LF (Unix,Linux,current Mac), some use CRLF % (Windows, CP/M), and some even use CR (old Mac). The character % encoding can be different too (e.g., ASCII, UTF-8, UTF-16 of various kinds, % or even EBCDIC). For bit-for-bit equality to work properly, we need to % model this messy situation. %! retarget(Source, NewTarget) --> data. % represents modifications to Source of a compiler so that, when it is % later compiled and executed, that compiler executable will % generate code for target NewTarget. % If there are no modifications needed, it just returns Source. portable_and_deterministic(sP, lsP, retarget(sA, eArun)) # label(sP_portable_and_deterministic). % We assume that source sP is portable and deterministic when it is compiling % sA', where sA' is sA retargeted to generate code for environment eArun. % This means that given the same inputs: % * it ALWAYS produces the same outputs (it is deterministic), and % * this is true across the environments under consideration (it is portable). % % Determinism can be achieved in various ways. For example, sP can avoid % using non-deterministic capabilities of language lsP, or use them only in % ways that will not affect the output of the program. For an example of, % the latter, a compiler can use threads even if thread scheduling is % non-deterministic, as longs as it uses locks etc. such that % the output will always be the same on each run given the same input. % In some cases, setting the random number seed and algorithm for % "randomness" may be necessary to ensure determinism. % % Note that sP might *not* be portable or deterministic when run to % compile some *other* program. E.G., perhaps sP includes some % capabilities that, if used by some input, would % result in non-portable or non-deterministic behavior. % That's okay, since for the purposes % that concern us (creating the original program and applying DDC), % it's only compiling sA (suitably retargeted) that matters. % Thus, sP may include non-portable constructs, but since they won't be % used in a case that matters to us, they don't matter. % % It's true that the trusted compiler cT must be able to *compile* % sP, even if some constructs used in sP aren't deterministic or portable, % but that issue is already convered by definition_stage1. % Similarly, if there's a grandparent compiler, it must be able to compile % sP, but this is covered by cP_corresponds_to_sP. % % An older version of this proof included a much stronger requirement: % it required that sP be portable and deterministic across ALL cases. % I did this because earlier attempts to express this more limited % requirement were very complicated. In addition, compiler developers % want their compilers to be deterministic, period, and not only % when compiling specific programs or only when running on specific % environments. So in practice many compilers actually meet a STRONGER % requirement than this. However, I wanted the proof to be more general, % and the expression above is simple and much narrower in scope. % Note that we do NOT require that cT or cGP be deterministic. % They _could_ be deterministic, and often will be, but we don't require it. %!run(Executable, Input, EnvEffects, Environment) --> data % represents running Executable in Environment, giving it Input + the various % environmental effects EnvEffects. The latter models whatever the language % allows or requires the environment to vary that COULD have an effect % on the result, e.g., random number generator, % stack location, heap allocation location, thread scheduling % (for a multi-threaded program this could critically change things!). % It returns whatever outputs are produced by running it, including % standard out, standard error, and any files (file names/locations/contents) % generated or modified by its execution. Since different runs could have % different environment effects as input (e.g., the random number generator % from the environment might produce something different), % running the same executable with the same Input _could_ produce % different results. %!compile(Source, Compiler, EnvEffects, RunOn, Target) --> data. % represents compiling Source with the Compiler, running it in environment % RunOn but targeting the result for environment Target. The % "extract()" term represents "extract only executable produced", % i.e., we throw away error reports made during the compilation process % that are technically outputs but will not be used later. % In most cases, the "extract" operation considers % only the files generated and does NOT include outputs to standard out, % standard error, and/or log files. compile(Source, Compiler, EnvEffects, RunOn, Target) = extract(converttext(run(Compiler, retarget(Source, Target), EnvEffects, RunOn), RunOn, Target)) # label(define_compile). % This is a general definition of a compilation of a compiler. % To perform a compilation, you retarget the given source code % to generate code for some later target to produce your final source code. % Then run the Compiler on that Source code on some environment RunOn; % if it's a nondeterministic compiler, then the environmental EnvEffects % may have an effect on the results. The output will probably have % 'binary' and 'text' results; convert the text to the format of Target. % The portions of the compilation results that can be run later are % then extracted (throwing away warnings, etc. from the Compiler). % % Note: In practice, you only need to perform the 'converttext' work on % text that will be extracted; if it will be thrown away, then there's % no need to actually perform the conversion. But this is merely % an optimization; expressing this mathematically obscures the main issue. % These implement the graph showing the DDC process. We set up DDC so that: % stage1 = compilation of source sP using cT, running on environment e1. % stage2 = compilation of source sA using stage1, running on environment e2. % Both cA and stage2 are supposed to run on environment eArun. stage1 = compile(sP, cT, e1effects, e1, e2) # label(definition_stage1). stage2 = compile(sA, stage1, e2effects, e2, eArun) # label(definition_stage2). % Here, we describe how we EXECTED cP and cA to have been created. % It's quite possible that these assumptions are not true, but in that case, % if the different have an executable effect the DDC process will catch it. % cP = compile(sP, cT, ePeffects, eP, eA) # label(definition_cP). cA = compile(sA, cP, eAeffects, eA, eArun) # label(definition_cA). %!accurately_translates(Compiler, Lang, Source, EnvEffects, RunOn, Target) %! --> bool. % True iff Compiler (an executable) correctly implements language Lang % when compiling Source (e.g., exactly that, nothing more or less), % if run on environment RunOn and targeting environment Target. %!exactly_correspond(Executable, Source, Lang, RunOn) --> bool. % True iff Executable exactly implements source code Source when % interpreted as language Lang when run on environment RunOn. accurately_translates(Compiler, Lang, Source, EnvEffects, ExecEnv, TargetEnv) -> exactly_correspond(compile(Source, Compiler, EnvEffects, ExecEnv, TargetEnv), Source, Lang, TargetEnv) # label(define_exactly_correspond). % Define what it means when source and executable "exactly correspond". % If some Source (written in language Lang) is compiled by a compiler that % accurately translates it, then the resulting executable exactly corresponds % to the original Source. all EnvEffects accurately_translates(cT, lsP, sP, EnvEffects, e1, e2) # label(cT_compiles_sP). % Trusted compiler cT is a compiler for language lsP, and it will % accurately translate sP. This is only guaranteed if cT is run % in environment e1. cT targets (generates code for) environment e2. % See previous proof for subtleties about language, etc. end_of_list.